logodynamip.jpg (2633 bytes) Setup IPchat

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Setup Examples
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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Email
Setup Uploader
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

Active Check this box if you want to enable IPchat.
Handle Enter your handle, nickname, pseudo, whatever.
Name Enter your name*.
Note that this information is also used in WEBchat.
e-mail Enter your e-mail address*.
Note that this information is also used in WEBchat.
Location Enter your location (e.g. city, country)*.
Comment Enter anything you like (e.g. your quote of the day).
Join Sound Check this box if you want DynamIP to play a sound file whenever a new participant joins IPchat. You can select any WAV file. Click on the button "Join Sound" to test your settings.
Hail Sound Check this box if you want DynamIP to play a sound file whenever another chat participant hails you. You can select any WAV file. Click on the button "Join Sound" to test your settings. Note that WEBchat uses the same WAV file to notify you of incoming WEBchat messages.
Chat Font You can select any font you like. The default font is MS Sans Serif.
Enable IPchat on Connect If this option is checked DynamIP automatically turns on IPchat whenever a connection is established.
Scan Interval DynamIP scans all IP addresses (as defined in the file IPDB.txt) at user-defined intervals.
Sleep at Startup If this option is checked DynamIP automatically turns on IPchat's "Sleep" mode whenever a connection is established.
Silent Chat participants are automatically removed from your chat list if their IPchat engine has kept silent for more than the specified number of minutes. This setting should be somewhat higher than your scanning interval, otherwise you might lose participants if their IPchat engine does not reply to your polling every time. The Silent setting is used to clean out those chat participants who got disconnected on their side before their IP chat engine was able to sign off properly (e.g. due to a lost connection).
Short Chat Output Click this box if you don't need detailed information about the sender of each IPchat message (e.g. time the message was sent, IP address, etc.).
Auto Distribute Chatlist Check this box if you want DynamIP to pass on your complete chat list to all new participants as they join. This makes for somewhat more transparent communication (if you know what I mean...).
By Invitation Only If you don't want to be bothered by people who just happen to scan your IP range you can check this box. Only people with an IP address in your very own scanning range (as defined in the file IPDB.txt) are allowed to join your chat list.
Accept NetMeeting Requests Check this box if you don't mind other chat participants establishing a NetMeeting connection with you. Unchecking the box helps you keep away those lamers who don't get it if you tell them to stop bothering you (after all, it takes a couple of seconds to fire up NetMeeting even on a fast Pentium II...). More information about NetMeeting is available at http://www.microsoft.com/netmeeting/.
IPDB file Enter the name of the file that contains the IP addresses you want DynamIP to scan. The default file name is IPDB.txt. Clicking the button "Edit IPDB file" starts your text editor (the one that is associated with the file extension TXT, usually Notepad.exe). Clicking on the button "Add Chatlist to IPDB" adds all your current chat participants to your IPDB file.

You can specify IP address ranges to be scanned as follows: each IP address range must start on a new line, either with a "+" or a "-" (without the quotes). Here is how it works:

IPchat: You can include ranges or exclude individual IP addresses:

include: +a.b.c.from to (all IP addresses from a.b.c.from to a.b.c.to)
-a.b.c.d (excludes the IP address a.b.c.d)


+ 255
the above entry will cause DynamIP to scan all the following IP address:,,, ...,,

the above entry will cause DynamIP to skip scanning the IP address

HTTPscan: IP address ranges are specified the same way they are in IPchat. You can also specify a particular page to be the root page (in brackets [.]) and name HTTP servers (in <.>). For example, if you want to specify the DynamIP home page on my personal web server, assuming I'm somewhere in the range .. 220, then you would add the following entry to the file IPDB.txt:
+36.173.0 220 <cmuServer> [DynamIP.htm]

* While I personally think that it is rude not to disclose your true identity I'm also aware of the fact that doing so might expose you to unwanted harrassment. Use your own judgement as to how much information you want to disclose and what data you want to keep private.

Note that the fields Name and e-mail are also used by WEBchat. Other WEBchat settings must be made in Setup|WEBchat.


Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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